Thinking About Phlebotomy Classes? Here’s What You Need to Know

What to know about Phlebotomy Classes

Phlebotomy classes provide fundamental knowledge about a fast-growing area of the medical profession. While the practice of drawing blood from a patient may seem like a simple one, it requires thorough knowledge and medical expertise.

Drawing of blood used to be done primarily by nurses or nursing assistants, however with overcrowded hospitals and busy clinics, it has become a necessity to have professionals who do nothing but collect blood from patients for testing in a medical laboratory. Unlike most medical professions, certification in phlebotomy can come quickly, in as little as four months through some programs.

What You Need to Know About Phlebotomy Classes

Many colleges and vocational schools throughout the country offer phlebotomy classes and a certificate program. Depending on what state you live in, there may be specific certification requirements to become an official phlebotomist. This area of the medical field is appealing to both recent college graduates and those looking to develop new career skills. Some programs can prepare students to enter the field in as little as three months.

Phlebotomists work in hospitals, clinics and medical laboratories. While most people attempt to get in at a hospital after completing their certification, those jobs are more competitive. There is plenty of opportunity and less competition in the private realm, at small clinics or labs. The certification needed depends on which state you live in, but there’s also a national certification obtained through an exam. Anyone looking for a phlebotomy training program or a phlebotomy training online should make sure the courses will prepare students to pass the national exam.

Choosing which phlebotomy course program to go with will depend on you needs. If you are looking make a fast career change and start your new job as soon as possible, a three or four month program would be the best option. Many colleges also offer two and four year degrees that will teach students the ins-and-outs of the phlebotomy profession. Of course, financial commitment is another determining factor. Those enrolled in a four-year program will end up spending significantly more money over time.

Those enrolled in phlebotomy classes will learn the basics of drawing blood as well as how to process specimens and other advanced techniques. Laboratory test codes, equipment needed and procedures are all covered early in many programs. Some vocational schools and colleges will offer advanced classes on specimen processing in an actual clinical laboratory.

Once coursework is completed, phlebotomists can expect to work for hospitals, physician’s offices, commercial laboratories, home health businesses, research institutions and blood banks, to name just a few. Students can enroll in a phlebotomy program directly out of high school, or of they have earned a GED. It’s a great option for younger people looking to get into the medical field as well as mid-career adults, looking for a change of pace.

Phlebotomists are expected to be in demand for the foreseeable future as the population of senior citizens in the United States continues to grow. Senior citizens tend to need closer medical attention than the younger population. Having a solid basis of credible phlebotomy classes under your belt can prepare you to meet a growing need while advancing your career.

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