Will You Pick the Right Phlebotomy Training Course?

Picking the right Phlebotomy Training Course

For aspiring phlebotomists, training is the key to a rewarding career. With all the programs available, choosing the right phlebotomy training course can be a tough endeavor. Prospective students are almost bombarded with options and it can be tough just to narrow down the top three choices.

Picking the Right Phlebotomy Training Course

Before looking into a single program, prospective students should take stock of their own lives and needs. Do you learn better online, or in a classroom setting? A recent high school graduate will have much different needs than a single mother, or someone with a full-time job looking for a career change.

It also wouldn’t hurt to do some research about what phlebotomists do and what type of certification is required in your state. Phlebotomy technicians’ primary duty involves drawing blood. If you have an ability to comfort others and aren’t squeamish around blood, phlebotomy might be a good option.

You’ll also want to make sure the phlebotomy training course you choose will prepare you to pass any state or national exams that may be required to enter the profession. Because phlebotomists routinely handle blood samples, many states want to make sure those entering the profession are responsible and well equipped.

When researching programs, look for one that caters to your lifestyle. Many people are drawn to online programs that allow you to complete coursework on your own time, after work or when the kids are asleep, for instance.

Others choose to take their courses in person, where they can work in a lab setting and interact directly with instructors, face-to-face. This, of course, isn’t an option for everyone, particularly those with busy schedules.

The employment outlook is good in this area of the medical realm. Choosing the right phlebotomy course will prepare you to work in hospitals, clinics, medical labs and blood donation centers. There are plenty of options for those who are willing to complete a few months of training.

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