Caribbean Medical Schools vs American Medical Schools

Caribbean Medical Schools vs American Medical Schools

Caribbean medical schools have become a very popular alternative for many prospective medical students in the United States for a variety of reasons. While students can receive a first class education from many accredited Caribbean medical schools, attending said institutions does have some drawbacks.

Below, we’ll explore Caribbean medical schools vs American medical schools head-to-head, and offer an honest look at what you can expect if you ultimately decide to attend medical school outside of the U.S.

Advantages of Caribbean Medical Schools vs American Medical Schools

Perhaps the largest advantage of Caribbean medical schools over American medical schools is that it gives students the opportunity to pursue their studies even though they have less than stellar grades. Many can still attend medical school in the Caribbean with GPAs in the low 3’s and MCAT scores in the low 20s. This is simply impossible with most medical schools in the United States.

Like schools in the states, medical schools in the Caribbean will prepare you to take the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE). Taking and passing this critical exam will allow future doctors to pursue their practice in America.

Disadvantages of Caribbean Medical Schools vs American Medical Schools

Caribbean medical schools are often looked down upon as opposed to their American counterparts. Because of lowered academic requirements, often times Caribbean medical schools are perhaps unfairly disparaged. While graduating from a Caribbean medical school may have a slight impact on the way prospective employers see you, it shouldn’t be enough to completely dissuade you from pursuing your education there.

A major disadvantage of attending medical school in the Caribbean is the fact that you may have to apply for future positions as a foreign applicant. It’s much more difficult for foreign applicants to get into specialized fields of medicine, including radiology and surgery. So this needs to be taken into account before you ever make a decision.

Caribbean medical schools are more than a viable option for students wanting to continue their education, but they also need to be thoroughly vetted before you select a school.

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