What Radiology Technician Schools Are Right For You?

Radiology technician schools can set students on a path toward a rewarding career in a growing area of the medical arena. Thanks to improving job prospects and job stability, this career is a popular post-recession choice for those either switching careers or just starting out in the workforce.

Today’s top technicians have great earning potential with plenty of opportunity for advancement. They work in hospitals, clinics and medical imaging centers. There are thousands of people making a great living in this career and they all started out just where you are: researching hat it takes to make it in the profession.

top radiology technician schools

What is X Ray Technology?

X ray imaging uses electromagnetic radiation that passes particles through a patient’s body and allows technicians and physicians to see inside the body to aid in the diagnosis of medical issues, such as tumors and broken bones. Due to advancements in technology, today’s technicians use high-tech equipment to take detailed images that help doctors better diagnose and rule out medical conditions.

How Long Dies it Take to Become a Tech?

Most working techs attended radiology technician schools. Hospitals and clinics hire graduates who attended an accredited institution. There are plenty of colleges and vocational schools out there offering accredited courses. The most popular programs last about two years and students earn an Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree.

What Does A Professional Technician Do?

Radiographers are responsible for preparing patients for the imaging procedure and taking high quality x ray images. Technicians work with patients of all ages with any number of conditions, including emergency situations. They must properly and safely prepare patients for imagining by placing the proper protective clothing on the patient and positioning them correctly.

Technicians also make sure imaging equipment is functioning properly and taking the best quality image possible.

How Much Money Can a Technician Earn? 

There’s great earning potential for technicians entering the field. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median wage for techs is around $54,340 per year. The lowest paid workers earned around $36, 510 while the top earners pulled in more than $76,000 a year.

Most technicians held full-time positions working in hospitals. Although most techs will continue to work in a hospital setting, there are growing opportunities in private clinics and physicians offices. Salary will largely depend on the amount of education and experience earned. Techs who pursue a bachelor’s degree will have more opportunities to earn more money and move up the ranks in their career.

How Does Someone Apply For Radiology Technician Schools?

Applying for an educational program will vary between schools, but it’s important to make sure the school you apply for will meet your educational goals. While accreditation is important, the school’s facilities should also meet medical industry standards and regulations.

Once you narrow it down to two or three schools, read each institution’s application guidelines carefully. You’ll want to be sure all the paperwork you’ll need to submit is in order. Make sure you turn your application in early. If additional information is requested, you’ll want to make sure you have plenty of time to turn it in before the application deadline hits.





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