How to Apply to Medical School

How to Apply to Medical School

Applying the medical school is easier than ever before thanks to the American Medical College Application Service. Also known as AMCAS, the service will deliver all of your important information to schools of your choosing. AMCAS does not play a role in admissions decisions; rather it is a quick solution to sending your application to the schools you want to go to.

Secondary Applications

Often times, schools will submit a request for a secondary application. This is just to receive more information about you. Secondary applications will often times include essays, letters of recommendation and other important forms. Fees will most likely be included with secondary applications.

Cost of Applying to Medical School

The AMCAS processing fee for the 2015 cycle is $160.00. The fee is good for application to one medical school. Additional schools can be applied to for $36.00. Fees are subject to change at any time.

The AAMC does offer financial assistance through the Fee Assistance Program, or FAP. Those who receive FAP can get up to 15 free applications as well as reduced fees for the MCATs.

Interview Process

If a school likes what they see on your application, you will likely be asked to participate in an interview. These interviews may be conducted on or off campus and may involve one or several people, including physicians or committee members. These interviews are often times the final step towards gaining admission.

Medical Application Timeline

You can usually begin applying for medical schools during the first week of May every year. The AMCAS submission process doesn’t get fully underway until June, so you will have ample time to prepare and complete your application. Each school has different deadlines, so it’s best to check with the institutions directly.

Selecting a Medical School

Location, class size and classroom setting are just some of the factors that go into choosing a medical school. There’s no one size fits all solution, so it’s best to thoroughly research the schools you have in mind before submitting an application.

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